Saturday, May 29, 2010

Just Ask Halsey

Howdy Everybody,
      I am starting a blog of questions and answers that I am hoping will be helpful for anyone seeking advice or just a plain old opinion about anything and everything! It's kinda like a "Dear Abby" but it is called "Just Ask Halsey" for those who are seeking a mans opinion about Romance, Love, Marriage, Divorce, Raising Children, (What is a fathers role). My experience is based on 43 years of marriage, with one divorce. I am not a physcologist, nor am I a doctor, but if you are looking for a honest, and sincere "opinion" of any question that you can come up with, I will give you a honest answer. Now these opinions are just my opinions, and you can use the information, or just disregard it, but at least I can give you food for thought. I am hoping to hear from you soon. I am also a retired buyer, and have many many years of experience as a buyer, and can give you some tips on getting the ultimate lowest prices before you buy. Just Ask Halsey.

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